Shariah Advisor

About Masryef
- Masryef Advisory Sdn Bhd (Masryef) provides Shariah review and audit, advisory and consultancy on Islamic Finance.
- Masryef is a registered Shariah advisory company with the Securities Commission (SC), a panel shariah advisor for Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and an associate member of Fintech Association of Malaysia (FAOM).
- Masryef is also a leading shariah advisor in the Fintech field whereby has advised and partnered with P2Ps, ECFs, Robo Advisory, Micro Credit, Micro Savings, Supply Chain Financing, Digital Wasiat and Digital Core Banking solutions.
- The organisation is directed by Tuan Haji Khairil Anuar who has been an international banker for over 27 years, where the past 18 years in Islamic Finance. With his extensive Islamic finance experience, he currently leads Shariah review process in addition to advising initial Shariah structuring for Masryef Shariah Committee’s approval. Khairil is also one of the Shariah Committee Members for Public Islamic Bank & AIA Public Takaful Berhad.
- Designated Shariah Officer for Masryef is Miss Adlin Zulkefli. She obtained her Bachelor Degree in Islamic Banking and Economy from Yarmouk University in 2017, followed by a Master’s degree in Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2019.
Shariah Committee Board
Masryef Shariah Committee Board comprises of three global Shariah scholars:
- Dr Azman Mohd Noor (Malaysia) – Currently a Deputy Dean (Academic and Student Affair) of Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, IIUM. His areas of interests include Islamic law of Transactions, Islamic Banking and Capital Market, Takaful and Retakaful, Zakat Management and Calculation. He has been supervising MA and PhD students in the field of Islamic Banking and Capital Market at Department of Fiqh and Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, IIUM since 2006. He is also a member of the Shariah Board for Alrajhi Bank Malaysia and Bank Rakyat Malaysia.
- Dr Said Adakunle (Nigeria) – A Shariah Committee Member of BNP Paribas (Najmah) Malaysia Berhad and a member of Advisory Committee of Expert (ACE) of TAJ Bank Ltd Nigeria. He is also a Shariah Consultant at ISRA International Consulting (ISRA Consulting) Sdn Bhd and I Consult Africa (PTY) Ltd. Ethical and Responsible Advisory, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Dr Mohammad Mahbubi (Indonesia)- currently the Head of Economics, Finance, Awqaf and Zakat cum Research Fellow at International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia. He did his CIFP with INCEIF in 2011 and completed his PhD in Islamic Banking and Finance in 2017 at International Islamic University Malaysia. He brings with him vast experience in the field of Islamic Banking and Finance, Fiqh Muamalat and Usul Fiqh. He is a member of the Shariah Board of Affin Islamic Bank.
Area of Services
- Shariah Advisory & Endorsement
- Governance- Shariah Compliant Review and Audit
- Product Structuring
- Documentation Review
- System Development
Contact Details
Masryef Advisory Sdn Bhd
B-01B, Menara 2, KL Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03- 2770 8703 – Email: