Digital Wills

Grounds for Challenging a Will

Grounds for Challenging a Will Full peace of mind is what you should have once you have created your Will. Createwills provide a 100% legal digital wills, either a Sterling standard or alternatively an Al Yusra Islamic Will. Our simple to walk through process with prompts and guides allows you to make your Will whilst avoiding common mistakes that people...

The Rise of Digital Wills: Navigating Estate Planning in the Digital Age

The Rise of Digital Wills: Navigating Estate Planning in the Digital Age In today's increasingly digital world, where much of our lives are lived online, traditional methods of estate planning are evolving to accommodate the digital landscape. One significant development in this realm is the rise of digital wills. As technology continues to shape our daily lives, it's crucial to...

Leaving Gifts of Sedekah in your Will

Leaving Gifts of Sedekah in your Will In Malaysia, leaving gifts of sedekah (charitable donations) in your will is a noble and deeply meaningful way to support causes or organizations that are important to you. Sedekah is a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith, emphasizing generosity, compassion, and social responsibility. When including gifts of sedekah in your will in Malaysia, consider the...

When should I update my Will?

When should I update my Will? Updating your will is an important task that should not be overlooked. Here are some scenarios in which it may be necessary to update your will. Major Life Events: Any significant life changes, such as marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of a child, or the death of a beneficiary or executor, may necessitate updates to...

Choosing the Right Age for Children to Inherit: A Guide for Malaysians

Choosing the Right Age for Children to Inherit: A Guide for Malaysians In estate planning, deciding when your children should inherit your assets is a crucial consideration. Choosing the appropriate age ensures that your hard-earned wealth is transferred responsibly. In this blog post, we'll explore factors to consider when determining the ideal age for your children to inherit in the...

Make writing a will with Createwills a priority in 2024

Make writing a will with Createwills a priority in 2024 When creating a will using Createwills as your chosen method, making it a priority in 2024 is a fantastic decision! Using Createwills online platform can streamline the process and make it more accessible. Here's why prioritizing Createwills for your will in 2024 is a good idea: Convenience: Online will creation with Createwills...

Why you should list funeral wishes in your will

Why you should list funeral wishes in your will Including funeral wishes in a will can provide clarity and guidance to your loved ones regarding your preferences after your passing. While a will isn't typically read immediately after someone passes away, listing funeral wishes within it can serve as a record of your desires. Here are a few reasons why...

How to choose executors for your will

How to choose executors for your will Choosing executors for your will is a significant decision, as these individuals will be responsible for carrying out your wishes after you pass away. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you choose the right executors: Identify Potential Candidates - Consider Trustworthiness and Responsibility: Executors should be trustworthy, responsible, and capable of managing financial and legal...

“Empowering Generosity: The Power of Hibah with CreateWills”

"Empowering Generosity: The Power of Hibah with CreateWills" In the dynamic landscape of legacy planning, CreateWills emerges as a transformative force, not only simplifying the process of will creation but also introducing a unique feature that resonates deeply with Islamic principles – the power of Hibah. This article delves into the significance of incorporating Hibah into your legacy plan through...

The Crucial Role Wills Play in Family Finances

"The Crucial Role Wills Play in Family Finances" 1. Asset Distribution: A will outlines how a person's assets should be distributed after their death. This ensures that family members receive their intended inheritances, helping to manage and secure financial resources. 2. Guardianship for Minor Children: Parents can designate guardians for their minor children in a will. This helps ensure the well-being of the...

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