Raymond Gabriel
Raymond Gabriel is a serial entrepreneur who has built a few companies specializing in various fields including marketing consultancy, strategic management to social entrepreneurship.
He started Createwills, a fintech company, with a strategy to give unique value at an affordable price to financial institutions and organisations with large customer/member base. When building a business, he always builds to achieve scale and maximum profitability as fast as possible without sacrificing value.
Raymond developed a disruptive strategy to capture and scale market share whilst giving consumers an unparalleled value in the Digital Will industry. He always focuses on win-win value creation that works both for large companies and the businesses he runs. He brings this ethos to all dealings with people. In working with people, Raymond’s passion is seeing people empowered to reach their maximum potential. This has enabled him to build great teams as he mentors and coaches them to reach their full potential. Starting his first business at 21, Raymond has been an entrepreneur for almost 30 years, building businesses with strategies that have even survived and thrived in recessions and downturns. Business strategy focused on value creation for clients and the strengths of great team are his passion.
Raymond juga seorang pengarang yang telah menerbitkan buku mengenai literasi kewangan dan keusahawanan. Dengan latar belakangnya dalam jurusan undang-undang, beliau kemudiannya mengembangkan kariernya dalam pengurusan strategik dan perunding pemasaran, sebelum menceburkan diri dalam sektor teknologi. Raymond mempunyai hubungan pelanggan yang kuat dalam sektor perkhidmatan kewangan serantau, yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan perniagaannya.
Phil Clark
Co-Founder & Chief Communications Officer
Phil Clark has over 30 years of design and development experience. Phil was the studio manager at McCann Erickson’s, the world’s largest advertising agency. After 20 years of service, he left and has adapted to meet the requirements of a changing marketplace.
Phil is the co-founder of Createwills, a dynamic and versatile team of business people, software developers, and graphic designers creating innovative digital solutions. As part of Asia’s new Digital Economy revolution, Phil provides project management and excels in design while bringing a unique spin on out of the box thinking.
Hasi kerja sama beliau dengan pemaju yang sangat berbakat, perisian mereka, Platform d-risk, dianugerahkan tempat ketiga dalam anugerah nasional untuk penyediaan tenaga pada tahun 2017.

Gulzaman Khan
Gul memiliki pengalaman bekerja selama 11 tahun dalam industri teknologi dan mempunyai minat yang sangat mendalam pada programming, membina aplikasi, dan tidak pernah puas untuk mencari cabaran seterusnya. Pengekodan telah menjadi sebahagian daripada hidupnya. Minatnya yang mendalam dalam bidang ini membuatkan ia bermimpi tentangnya juga.
As a senior developer and system architect, as well as a co-founder of Createwills, he can take concepts and make them a reality. Gul has worked on numerous multimillion-pound contracts for major blue-chip clients and respected in the industry for delivering an utterly stable code on time and budget.